



What is HCIE
Source: | Author:computers-102 | Published time: 2022-10-21 | 702 Views | Share:

Huawei certification is divided into three levels: engineer HCIA, senior engineer HCIP and expert HCIE.

HCIA Huawei Certified ICT Associate: Huawei Certified ICT Engineer (HCIA) is a certificate used in Huawei's certification system to identify an individual's ability to reach the engineer level in a certain technical field, indicating that the certified personnel have the ability to install, configure, operate ICT equipment, and perform basic troubleshooting.

HCIP Huawei Certified ICT Professional: Huawei Certified ICT Senior Engineer (HCIP) is a certificate used in Huawei's certification system to identify an individual's ability to reach the level of senior engineer in a certain technical field, indicating that the certified personnel have rich ICT knowledge and practical ability.

HCIE Huawei Certified ICT Expert: Huawei Certified ICT Expert (HCIE) is the highest level of ICT technology certification in Huawei's certification system, indicating that the certified personnel have professional knowledge and rich practical experience in the ICT field.